Devlog #4 - Final Update

Finally, the game is in a state that I can mark it as complete. The level design is somewhat complete and now the visuals are better.

Checkpoints and Endgame

The level now contains a total of 4 checkpoints, including one in the very beginning. There is an endgame trigger at the very end that triggers a "Arena Complete" panel. As there's only one level, the panel doesn't lead to a next level but just restart and main menu. If Dino dies of any cause, the play button that appears with the Game Over panel takes back to the last checkpoint. Checkpoints are placed behind walls to prevent unusual respawn visuals.

Enemy Logics

There is an option for learning about both Enemy Logics in the main menu now, leading to a page where it is explained how enemies work. The Ground enemy deals 2 health damage to Dino if it hits him and so does the Flying one. Only that the flying enemy shoots a fireball when Dino is straight below it, making it mandatory to kill it before getting close unless there's a wall between the enemy and Dino. Ground enemy takes 2 bullet hits to die and flying one takes 1.

Enemies are given certain walking and flying animations and they die after patrolling for a certain distance, so that they don't keep going and appear somewhere weird after a respawn from checkpoint.

Blinking and Invincibility

With the help of Copilot, I've added a blinking effect to Dino whenever he takes damage. During this blinking period, he doesn't take any other damage. This is added especially so that he doesn't take constant damages. But Dino has ability to do anything he is capable of during this time.

Bullet Count and Reload

There is a bullet counter on top right now. The shotgun, unlike any other shotgun in the world has a magazine of 7 bullets and can be reloaded anytime by pressing R. Animations are added on bullet sign during reload.

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